I’ve been saying it for a while now and apparently I’m not the only one. For many of us, the luxury of a restful night’s sleep proves to be elusive. In the quest for a restful night’s sleep, many find themselves grappling with the elusive nature of truly rejuvenating slumber. Whether entangled in the challenge of maintaining a continuous sleep, struggling to initiate the voyage into the realm of dreams, or awakening with a sense of unrest, the repercussions of a subpar night’s rest extend beyond mere grogginess and lethargy. The toll on overall well-being is significant, with an increased susceptibility to conditions such as diabetes, heart disease, and a spectrum of chronic health issues. The persistent battle for restful sleep can be disheartening, yet it is by no means an unavoidable fate. Enter the realm of sleep hygiene (yes that really is a thing) – the art of making simple yet transformative changes to your sleep routine.
Sleep hygiene, as defined by the Sleep Foundation, encompasses the entirety of your sleep-related habits and your immediate environment. Achieving good sleep hygiene implies the optimization of both your daily rituals and practices and the configuration of your bedroom to create an environment conducive to optimal sleep. While some factors may seem inconspicuous when considered in isolation – such as adhering to a consistent sleep schedule (see my New Year’s 7 Day Challenge)– they collectively play a pivotal role in determining the quality of your nightly rest. Those ensnared by poor sleep hygiene often grapple with a myriad of physical and mental health challenges.
Analyze your Environment
Discerning whether your sleep hygiene needs a revamp lies in paying attention to how you feel and the symptoms you experience. Individuals contending with poor sleep hygiene may find it challenging to initiate or maintain sleep, experiencing excessive daytime sleepiness as a consequence of inadequate or poor-quality rest. If your sleep patterns exhibit irregularities, it could serve as a signal that a reassessment of your sleep hygiene practices is in order.
Creating the Mood
Crafting an optimal sleeping environment emerges as a cornerstone of fostering quality sleep. Elements such as room temperature, light levels, and noise levels wield substantial influence. Research suggests that a cool, dark environment contributes to the best sleep outcomes. Maintaining your room at approximately 65 degrees Fahrenheit, despite the initial chill, proves beneficial for achieving superior sleep. Embracing darkness in the room serves as a cue to the brain that it’s time for rest, prompting the utilization of tools like sleep masks or blackout curtains. In noisy environments, a sound machine can provide essential support for noise cancellation.
Banish all Electronics

Banishing electronics from the bedroom is an arduous yet crucial sleep tip. The artificial light emitted by devices like cell phones and TVs disrupts the body’s circadian rhythm. The blue light emanating from screens impedes sleep by keeping the brain alert and suppressing melatonin production. While blue light prevention glasses offer assistance, the most effective strategy is to relocate electronics outside the bedroom. For those accustomed to using their phones as alarm clocks, a return to the traditional alarm clock might be a necessary step.
Embracing A Consistent Wake-and-Sleep Schedule
A consistent wake-and-sleep schedule emerges as a powerful tool in the arsenal of sleep hygiene. Inconsistencies in sleep schedules can befuddle the body’s circadian rhythm, particularly when wake and sleep times exhibit significant variations. To enhance sleep hygiene, strive for consistency in waking up and going to bed each day. A steadfast sleep schedule contributes to a regular internal clock, making it easier to fall and remain asleep. Additionally, adhering to a schedule ensures that bedtime doesn’t extend too late, guaranteeing a minimum of seven hours of nightly sleep.
Mindful Eating & Drinking Habits
Mindful eating and drinking habits also play a crucial role in the pursuit of optimal sleep hygiene. Consuming dinner too close to bedtime can impact the ability to sleep well. Aim to have dinner at least two or three hours before bedtime to allow the body sufficient time for proper digestion before lying down. Excessive alcohol consumption before bed can also disrupt sleep, warranting caution with that nightly glass (or two) of wine. To support improved sleep, consider incorporating foods rich in melatonin into your diet.
Cultivating Better Sleep Hygiene
Revamping your sleep hygiene routine demands time and commitment but promises a significant impact on sleep quality. Pay meticulous attention to your sleeping environment, encompassing factors such as temperature, noise levels, and ambient light. Commit to a consistent sleep schedule, avoid late-night eating, and banish electronics from the bedroom for better sleep. Embark on the journey of transforming your sleep quality with our comprehensive sleep hygiene checklist, initiating small changes that have the potential to yield substantial and lasting improvements.
That being said, I think I’ll go take a nap!
Video source: M.PoweredHealth on Instagram

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