Westgate Chevy | The Royal Texan

1978 Corvette | The Royal Texan

It’s often interesting to see what happens when I end up behind the wheel of a classic car. A little while ago I was thinking about buying my brother-in-law’s 1978 Corvette. While test driving it for a couple days and wanting to know a little more about it, I drove down to our local Westgate Chevy dealership one evening.

Westgate Chevy | The Royal Texan

Pulling in I noticed that most of the cars had been moved and replaced with close to 200 Corvettes of all types and there were many people milling about. Not knowing what was going on I decided to ask the first official looking person I saw. Turns out the local Amarillo ‘Vette Club was staging a drive through town to show support for local police and firemen.

Corvette Parade on the Road | The Royal Texan

I was promptly told that it didn’t matter that I wasn’t a club member but that I was driving a Corvette and that I had get in line and join them. With having nothing else planned for the evening I decided why not, it was a nice evening so I quickly pulled into the middle of the line and stowed the t-tops.

Corvette Parade Parked | The Royal Texan

Boy am I glad I decided to get gas before I went to the dealership! What I thought would be a quick 20 or 30 minute cruise around Amarillo was really a 100 mile trip driving by every fire and police station in town. This was a full on mile and a half long motorcade with police escort. Below are some of the pics taken from that evening (my apologies for their quality).

After the drive we concluded the evening with dinner at The Plaza. It was a great evening and I made several new friends. Although I ended up not buying the car I was still invited to join the club and I did.

I love driving classic cars!

Images source: The Royal Texan

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